Stand - A liner note from the Special Edition of R.E.M.'s Greatest Hits album 'In Time' - written by Peter Buck: Stand

30 April 2008
A liner note from the Special Edition of R.E.M.'s Greatest Hits album 'In Time' -written by Peter Buck: Stand

Stand, from the R.E.M. album Green.

"Without a doubt, Stand is the, um, how shall I put this? It's the stupidest song we've ever writen. That's not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of my favourite rock and roll records have been extravagently dumb, and while Stand doesn't reach the god-like heights of inspired stupidity as a song like Louie Louie by The Kingsmen does, we're at least in the same ballpark.

The listener might want to note the guitar solo; I'd just bought a wah-wah pedal that morning, The first thing I used it on was the solo on Stand. When I looked around to see what everyone thought, I was met with gales of laughter. I assumed that anything that could inspire that kind of reaction must be good. I hope I was right. "


Interesting that Peter Buck refers to Louie Louie - it was written by a guy called Richard Berry....

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