Your Capricious Soul” lyrics by Micheal Stipe

07 October 2019
Your Capricious Soul” lyrics by Micheal Stipe

The one and only Michael Stipe has released his first single, many years since R.E.M. retired from the business as a group.

"Your Capricious Soul” lyrics by Micheal Stipe

Honey's got got got a good feeling

Honey peeled herself off the ceiling

Because God God God is revealing

How to serve your body

How to serve your mind

Searching your capricious soul

Say you post, post, post on the weekend

And you pretend you are a seeker

When they all come loving and looking

You are writing a tell-all

Tell-all, sugar

You are leaving nothing out

Godspeed baby, blessings

Gob-smacked, baby

And this party’s in your honour


Your mother's worried

Is this in your favor

And your pastor's crying

And the birds are dying

Or they might as well be

They might as well be

Now the papers calling

And the photos flashing

And the fashion’s changing


Yeah, the papers calling

And the photos flashing

And the fashion's changing


Check out the lyrics to Facinating, a recent release REM made. 

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